
We are running feasibility and evaluation projects to improve the screening outcome in protection against Cancer with the focus of cervical and breast cancer in emerging countries. We engaged in different organizations and foundations like the Senior Expert Service (SES Bonn) or the Aamana foundation Frankfurt. Other topics are maternity and family planning. We will start to counsel educational programs for scholars and help to build schools in cooperation of a church organization.

Engagement in different countries Malawi; Uganda; Nigeria; Kenya; Morocco 

On medical tours in Morocco we were able to advise and give consultation for many women living in outreach areas. This is the starting point to develop new tools to involve health workers like midwives and nurses and to give sophisticated new instruments to improve their commitments.

To get the correct diagnosis: Colposcopy + biopsy+ AI supported image analysis

With the Abcerion developed LFT test we select the high risk vs low risk for Cervical Cancer. Women with a LFT detected dysplasia receive colposcopic examination + biopsy for histology followed by thermoablation as an one day approach- This strategy is cutting the barriers in health service access

Data management

With digital platforms particularly federated systems is fighting against the drainage of health data which are important for health policy. The invitation of the citizens to own their health data and to manage them will educate for self responsibility and improve the acceptance at participation of health programs. 


von | Jan. 5, 2023

We are looking for improvements and cooperations

To focus to reach people in outreach area and last mile service is most ly warranted to reach the aims of WHO to eradicate avoidable diseases like HPV-induced Cervical Cancer but also high prenatal and maternal  mortality as well as morbidity.