Curriculum vitae Prof. (hc), Dr. med. Thomas Bauknecht
1977 – 1993: Academic training Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology
1993 – 2012: Assistant Professor and University Professor.
2002 – 2012: Medical advisor of Eli Lilly Europe
Post retirement activities:
Medical Advisor: Eli Lilly, Teva, Brand Health, Riemser; AH Medcom, Merck KGaA
2017 – 2024: Partner and medical director of Aramed GmbH
Since 2015: Entrepreneur and CEO of the small enterprise QoL-Ma UG (
2021-23: Member of the consortium DHDE (Digital Health Developing Economies) in the partnership with Space Cooperative Europe (SCE;, the European Space Agency (ESA) and German Aerospace Center (DLR;
Since 2023: Cooperation partnership with Refinio GmbH (Erlangen)
Charity activities:
Medical charity activities in different hospitals of China and Africa in terms of training of medical staff including nurses and midwives with the focus in gynecology, oncology and endocrinology including reproductive medicine, organized by Senior Expert Service (SES Bonn). Start of Digitalization in Screening procedures.